Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How to decide on a movie when you're with friends.

Hey movie maniacks!! So last night, on my Glipho How to have an epic movie experience post, NKR asked me 'Do you have any suggestions though how to agree upon a certain movie! I've observed that this has been one of the most difficult tasks in movie nights with friends!'' I have thought quite a bit about this question since then and I thought I'd make a post about it.

There are several ways you could decide on a movie. Here are just a few ways; 
  1. Have a vote; remember majority rules.
  2. Write the names of the movies you can't decide between on pieces of paper, put them inside a hat and then pull out a piece of paper (without cheating!! e.g. only writing one movie name a few times or looking) 
  3. If you're deciding between two movies flip a coin or rock paper scissors.
  4. If you have the movie covers hold them behind your back and get your friend to choose an arm. 
So these are probably pretty simple ways of choosing, but I find they always work. Also if a friend can't watch a specific movie e.g. King Kong or a horror or thriller just because it really scares or creeps them out, don't push it on them. Be the bigger person and watch a different movie. Remember, you can always watch it on your own some other time or with another friend.

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