Monday, July 6, 2015

Where To Find Me

This is my last post on this blog. This blog will no longer contain new posts, however it will still be able to be accessed and viewed. From now on if you are wanting to find me or read new material my blog is Pyjamas O'Clock. There is a post on there explaining in depth why the new blog had been crating and why these ones will no longer be active, What Has Happened To My Other Blogs?

Thank you for following this blog and supporting me in my passion for blogging. I will still be blogging, just on a new blog. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

More Movies?!?!

Yes guys, my movie buying addiction has probably hit it's peak over the Christmas period when I was earning a decent pay.It's been crazy, but here are my photos of my crazy additions and a list of what I actually got.

  • Charmed Season 4
  • Charmed Season 2
  • True Blood Season 2
  • House Season 2
  • House Season 1
  • Stuck On You
  • From Hell
  • Alone In The Dark
  • Zoolander
  • Vampire Diaries Season 3
  • Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
  • The Mummy Trilogy
  • Ghost Rider
  • The Knowing
  • Con Air
  • Blade Trilogy

  • The Matrix Revolutions

  • The Spirit

  • The Matrix

  • The Vampire's Assistant
  • The Cable Guy
  • The Big Lebowski
  • Tomb Raider
  • Scream 4
  • Jay and Silent Bob Go Down Under (My dad, his mates and I are actually in this!!)

  • The Avengers
  • Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters
  • Now You See Me
  • Burlesque
  • Gossip Girl Season 6
  • Sons Of Anarchy Season 1
  • Breaking Bad Season 1
  • Vampire Diaries Season 2
  • Girls Season 1


Machete, an epic, star packed action-thriller featuring Jessica Alba, Robert De Niro, Steven Seagal, Michelle Rodriguez and Danny Trejo as Machete. This action packed, thriller follows the story line of a highly talented Federale, Machete, who is hired and betrayed by the same man. As Machete constantly escapes death and creates allies he takes revenge on his ex-boss. Machete is one person you'd rather on your side.

Watch Trailer Here.

The cast and where you'd know them form:

Robert Rodriguez - Whilst he isn't part of the cast, he is the Director/ Writer of the film. You may know his name from movies suck as: Sin City, Grindhouse, Once Upon A Time In Mexico, Planet Terror and many more.

Jessica Alba - a very successful actress who you may know from things such as: Sin City, Fantastic Four, Valentines Day, Dark Angel and many more.

Robert De Niro - The man, the legend. Well Known for his performances in films such as: GoodFellas, The Godfather, Casino, Meet the Parents and many, many more.

Steven Seagal - known for his characters in movies such as: Under Siege, Above The Law, Into The Sun and tons more.

Michelle Rodriguez - Very commonly places the role of bad-ass, tough women. She's one of my favourite actresses. You might recognise her from movies such as: Avatar, Resident Evil, the Fast & Furious series, Lost and more.

Danny Trejo - This man, himself is a legend. In 2010 alone, he was in 31 roles in either tv shows, movies and video games. Seriously I highly suggest if you have the time to read up on his back story, it's amazing! Danny is definitely one of my favourite Actors! He's been in a ton of movies such as: From Dusk Till Dawn, Anchorman,  Predators, Spy Kids, Con Air, Heat, Death Race, Rise Of The Zombies and So much more the list goes on.

Does the story end here? Heck no! Machete is followed up by Machete Kills (released in 2013) and Machete Kills Again (which actually has not been made just yet).

What did I think of the movie?
In case you haven't already worked it out, I LOVED the movie! It's AMAZING! It was cast really well and all the actors lived up to their names. I even didn't mind Lindsay Lohan too much, and that's saying something. The film truly was action packed and the fight scenes were amazing.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


So last night I recoiled a lost love. No, really I hadn't watched Spectacular in a few years and only last night I picked it out of my dvd collection to watch. From scene 1 the love was back. As you all might know by now I adore musicals. I love to put on a good musical, turn up the volume and sing to my hearts content.

Well, Spectacular is, as you may have guessed, a musical! It features some of the great songs such as: Eye of the Tiger and Something To Believe In. I think the thing that really appeals to me is the main male character, Nikko, played by Nolan Gerard Funk, is a rock boy. He is the very definition of old school rock 'n' roll.

I love this movie so much! It has it all: music, love, rock n roll, a wanna be rock star, a teenage boy trying to do what's right while trying to follow his dream, an ex rock star. EVERYTHING!
Of course I have to rate this 5/5 enthusiastic thumbs up! It's all I've been watching since I watched it again last night!


Haven is a quite recent t.v. series. It started in 2010 and is still producing more episodes today. Currently they are in the 4th season however I've only had the pleasure of seeing the first season. 
Did I mention it's based off a Stephen King book!!

The series is about an FBI agent who arrives in a town called Haven on a job. Whilst in Haven she discovers that Haven is not live every other town, it has secrets and she stays to help uncover this little towns mysteries. 

I absolutely LOVE this t.v. show!! It's my current addiction! I adore Audrey and love Duke. I would highly recommend this t.v. show to people who like shows that have supernatural themes. I have to give this marvellous show a rating of 5/5 enthusiastic thumbs up. What can I say; it just ticks all the boxes for me! 

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Are you excited? I'm excited!! :)

Plusss who wants to see 'The Conjuring' ? I think it looks awesome!

-Side note: really sorry for the short post and the long time no post, but things have been hectic, however, don't give up on me there WILL be plenty more up SOON! I have a ton of overdue reviews and movie posts. ♥ -

Friday, February 1, 2013

Who & What to Check Out!

Here is a post on actors, directors, writers and movies to look at watching.

Matthew Lillard. (actor)
-        Scream
-        SLC Punk
-        Thirteen Ghosts
-        Hackers
-        Spooner
-        Without A Paddle
-        Messages Deleted
-        Scooby Doo

Wes Craven. (director, writer, producer)
-        Nightmare On Elm Street 
-        Nightmare On Elm Street 2 Freddy’s Revenge
-        Nightmare On Elm Street 3 Dream Warriors
-        Nightmare On Elm Street 4 The dream Master
-        Nightmare On Elm Street 5 The Dream Child
-        Nightmare On Elm Street 6 Freddy’s Dead The Final Nightmare
-        Wes Craven’s New Nightmare
-        Freddy Vs. Jason
-        Freddy Vs. Ghost Busters
-        The People Under The Stairs
-        Red Eye
-        Scream
-        Scream 2
-        Scream 3
-        Scream 4
-        My Soul To Take
-        The Last House On The Left
-        The Hills have Eyes
-        The Last house On The left
-        Cursed
-        Vampire In Brooklyn
-        The Serpent and The Rainbow
-        The Twilight Zone

Edward Norton. (actor)
-        Fight Club
-        The Score
-        The Incredible Hulk
-        25th Hour
-        The Illusionist
-        The Painted Veil
-        Red Dragon (Prequel to Hannibal)
-        Death To Smoochy
-        Rounders
-        Primal Fear
-        The People Vs. Larry Flynt
-        Leaves of Grass
-        Dirty Work

Brad Pitt (actor)
-        Fight Club
-        The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
-        World War Z
-        Meet Joe Black
-        Moneyball
-        Ocean’s 11
-        Ocean’s 12
-        Ocean’s 13
-        Troy
-        The Devil’s Own
-        Sleepers
-        Twelve Monkeys
-        Cool World

Quentin Tarantino (actor, producer, writer)
-        Pulp Fiction
-        Diary of The Dead
-        Planet Terror
-        Grindhouse
-        Alias
-        From Dusk Til’ Dawn
-        Sleep With Me
-        Hell Ride
-        Hostel
-        Hostel Part 2
-        From Dusk Til’ Dawn 2
-        From Dusk Til’ Dawn 3
-        Natural Born Killers

George Clooney (actor)
-        Ocean’s 11
-        Ocean’s 12
-        Ocean’s 13
-        The Descendants
-        From Dusk Til’ Dawn
-        Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
-        Batman & Robin

Stephen King (writer)
-        IT
-        Pet Sematary
-        Needful Things
-        Cujo

Tim Curry
-        IT
-        Rocky Horror Picture Show
-        Clue