Saturday, November 17, 2012

Movie Review:

Breaking Dawn Part 2

And the tale goes on with the epic ending to this much beloved saga.

Okay, so in this review I'm going to kick straight into my personal opinion, here goes. I have been lucky enough to score two free tickets to the premier of Breaking Dawn Part 2 for Thursday the 14th of November, but it has taken up to today, Saturday the 17th for me to decide what i thought of it.

This was defiantly an epic story, however I was quite frustrated, I don't know if its because of the way I am, or not but the way the ending went made me slightly annoyed. In the movie there is a critical part where something big happens and I was so sad. I almost cried. Then just when you're getting all worked but and sad and heart broken, it turns out to be a big trick where it doesn't end up happening.That was probably really confusing to read, but you'll understand when you see it.Anyway, so you go though all that emotion for nothing. I wasn't too happy about that. 

It was an amazing movie, despite my own frustrations. It was quite funny and emotional, and thats what a movie is supposed to do, its supposed to get you interested, supposed to make you connect. I just don't like showing emotion all too much.

I highly suggest Breaking Dawn to most people, even if you're a guy and think "its girlie, its not real vampires, blah blah blah." go see it, its actually quite decent and that is coming from a girl who did the whole Vampires don't sparkle they burn argument. Someone who loves True blood and The Lost boys would love this.

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