Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Movie Mad-Chick Review: Stephen King's It

Movie: It
Based off of the Stephen King novel IT. (which I should be starting to read soon, so expect a review and a comparison of the movie and book)

Summary: This movie is about seven children who band together to defeat an immortal evil. IT can be anything, there is no way to define it, or give IT a name, the closest description to what IT is would be pure fear.

Pennywise the clown (The form and name IT takes majority of the movie) is not like the clowns in kids movies, he's not out to make you laugh, unless you have a phobia of laughter, in that case its laughs all day and all night. Pennywise is out to terrify all youngsters and bring some of them to his underground 'play house'.
When Billy, Richie, Beverly, Ben, Mike, Stan and Eddie ban together to defeat this evil a great bond is made between these friends. Once they defeated  IT they made a pact to come back and face their worst fears all over again if IT ever came back. 
Then years later their promise was finally tested to see who would stand by their word... Yes, that's right IT was back!

My Opinion:
This is one of my favourite movies of all time! Its amazing! Tim Curry did an astonishing job as Pennywise the clown, but i think he always makes a good looney ( i mean that in the best way though.) I loved the story and ALL the characters. Especially Billy and Richie, both as children and adults. I loved Bill's stutter i though it suited him well and who couldn't love Richie's jokes. After watching the film I did have to go on the web to find out what the meaning/ relevance of the  characters always saying "beep beep Richie". Just to explain that it pretty much was their way of saying very funny, jokes over, you've gone too far.

I highly recommend this to anyone who likes horror movies. Its absolutely astounding! I'd have to rate it 10/10. I love this movie so much. 

Also to anyone who has seen this and is looking for another good left of centre movie try Rocky Horror Picture Show, it also has Tim Curry in a leading role playing a loopy transsexual transvestite, he actually playes the part really well and much like Pennywise, I cant think of anyone better for the role of an oddball like that then Tim Curry.

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