Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Movie Mad-chick Review: Cujo

Movie: Cujo

originally a book my Stephen King, who is an amazing author his stories are very enjoyable if you like the send chills running down you spine books. Those slightly (or completely) left or centre novels.Story line: Cujo is about a dog (a St. Bernard) named Cujo who is a very sweet puppy that gets bitten from a bat and transforms into a vicious killing machine. He changes into a dog from hell so to speak.While Vic, on of the main characters are away on business, his wife (Donna) and son (Tad) have some car trouble and go to a well known mechanic for help. It's the mechanic who is the owner of 'Cujo'. However when they get there they find the mechanic is nowhere to be seen They try to leave, but their car breaks down completely and there is no escape. Finally little to their enjoyment they are trapped in their car by a demonic nightmare.My Opinion: The beginning of the movie was quite slow and i found it boring really, however when it finally got to them being stuck in the car i was on edge for the rest of the movie. So all the waiting was well worth it. Its really good towards the end there are quite a few extra issues throw into the already hectic situation. This movie it definitely one i would recommend to people with  the patience to wait for the excitement.I'd give Cujo a rating of 8/10Super random fact: Cujo was a St. Bernard whose real name was Daddy.Daddy was trained by Karl Lewis Miller, who trained the dogs in Babe, Beethoven and K-9.
fact found at: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080721164136AAHJikt

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