Machete, an epic, star packed action-thriller featuring Jessica Alba, Robert De Niro, Steven Seagal, Michelle Rodriguez and Danny Trejo as Machete. This action packed, thriller follows the story line of a highly talented Federale, Machete, who is hired and betrayed by the same man. As Machete constantly escapes death and creates allies he takes revenge on his ex-boss. Machete is one person you'd rather on your side.
Watch Trailer Here.
The cast and where you'd know them form:
Robert Rodriguez - Whilst he isn't part of the cast, he is the Director/ Writer of the film. You may know his name from movies suck as: Sin City, Grindhouse, Once Upon A Time In Mexico, Planet Terror and many more.
Jessica Alba - a very successful actress who you may know from things such as: Sin City, Fantastic Four, Valentines Day, Dark Angel and many more.
Robert De Niro - The man, the legend. Well Known for his performances in films such as: GoodFellas, The Godfather, Casino, Meet the Parents and many, many more.
Steven Seagal - known for his characters in movies such as: Under Siege, Above The Law, Into The Sun and tons more.
Michelle Rodriguez - Very commonly places the role of bad-ass, tough women. She's one of my favourite actresses. You might recognise her from movies such as: Avatar, Resident Evil, the Fast & Furious series, Lost and more.
Danny Trejo - This man, himself is a legend. In 2010 alone, he was in 31 roles in either tv shows, movies and video games. Seriously I highly suggest if you have the time to read up on his
back story, it's amazing! Danny is definitely one of my favourite Actors! He's been in a ton of movies such as: From Dusk Till Dawn, Anchorman, Predators, Spy Kids, Con Air, Heat, Death Race, Rise Of The Zombies and So much more the list goes on.
Does the story end here? Heck no! Machete is followed up by
Machete Kills (released in 2013) and Machete Kills Again (which actually has not been made just yet).
What did I think of the movie?
In case you haven't already worked it out, I LOVED the movie! It's AMAZING! It was cast really well and all the actors lived up to their names. I even didn't mind Lindsay Lohan too much, and that's saying something. The film truly was action packed and the fight scenes were amazing.