Friday, February 1, 2013

Who & What to Check Out!

Here is a post on actors, directors, writers and movies to look at watching.

Matthew Lillard. (actor)
-        Scream
-        SLC Punk
-        Thirteen Ghosts
-        Hackers
-        Spooner
-        Without A Paddle
-        Messages Deleted
-        Scooby Doo

Wes Craven. (director, writer, producer)
-        Nightmare On Elm Street 
-        Nightmare On Elm Street 2 Freddy’s Revenge
-        Nightmare On Elm Street 3 Dream Warriors
-        Nightmare On Elm Street 4 The dream Master
-        Nightmare On Elm Street 5 The Dream Child
-        Nightmare On Elm Street 6 Freddy’s Dead The Final Nightmare
-        Wes Craven’s New Nightmare
-        Freddy Vs. Jason
-        Freddy Vs. Ghost Busters
-        The People Under The Stairs
-        Red Eye
-        Scream
-        Scream 2
-        Scream 3
-        Scream 4
-        My Soul To Take
-        The Last House On The Left
-        The Hills have Eyes
-        The Last house On The left
-        Cursed
-        Vampire In Brooklyn
-        The Serpent and The Rainbow
-        The Twilight Zone

Edward Norton. (actor)
-        Fight Club
-        The Score
-        The Incredible Hulk
-        25th Hour
-        The Illusionist
-        The Painted Veil
-        Red Dragon (Prequel to Hannibal)
-        Death To Smoochy
-        Rounders
-        Primal Fear
-        The People Vs. Larry Flynt
-        Leaves of Grass
-        Dirty Work

Brad Pitt (actor)
-        Fight Club
-        The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
-        World War Z
-        Meet Joe Black
-        Moneyball
-        Ocean’s 11
-        Ocean’s 12
-        Ocean’s 13
-        Troy
-        The Devil’s Own
-        Sleepers
-        Twelve Monkeys
-        Cool World

Quentin Tarantino (actor, producer, writer)
-        Pulp Fiction
-        Diary of The Dead
-        Planet Terror
-        Grindhouse
-        Alias
-        From Dusk Til’ Dawn
-        Sleep With Me
-        Hell Ride
-        Hostel
-        Hostel Part 2
-        From Dusk Til’ Dawn 2
-        From Dusk Til’ Dawn 3
-        Natural Born Killers

George Clooney (actor)
-        Ocean’s 11
-        Ocean’s 12
-        Ocean’s 13
-        The Descendants
-        From Dusk Til’ Dawn
-        Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
-        Batman & Robin

Stephen King (writer)
-        IT
-        Pet Sematary
-        Needful Things
-        Cujo

Tim Curry
-        IT
-        Rocky Horror Picture Show
-        Clue